Welcome to our newly updated website…

Welcome to our newly updated website. Our updated website was developed over a four-month period by a cross-functional team. The team included Administration, Customer Service, Human Resources, Information Systems, Materials Management and Sales. In all, over 20 team members provided input, including several customers. We then partnered with a website development company known as PPA Graphics located in Canal Winchester, Ohio. PPA helped us to pull it all together and create the “wow” factor we were looking for. Throughout the process, we had to balance the needs of the website audience. We wanted to provide information for our customers, potential customers, suppliers and employees. We are also looking to complete this project in phases. We have plans to fully embrace the e-commerce age and will eventually pursue social and professional media. We plan to update the website on a regular basis to help keep viewers current. Did you find information you expected when you visited our website today?  Was it easy to navigate? Do you have any suggestions? Please feel free to provide us any feedback by emailing us at sales@mincogroup.com Thank you for visiting The Minco Group and we hope you revisit us here often.